Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by intrusive repetitive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive , ritualistic behaviors (compulsions). Compulsive behaviors serve to neutralize the (uncontrollable) obsessions and as such decrease the anxiety that is the byproduct of the obsessions. However, it is important to note that the anxiety relief following a compulsive behavior is short term and it actually strengthens the anxiety provoking obsessive thoughts. In other words, obsessive thoughts evoke anxiety, compulsive rituals are practiced to decrease the anxiety immediately, which in turn reinforce the obsessive thoughts and as such increase the anxiety in long term.

To treat your OCD, it is crucial not to respond to your obsessions and recognize that your obsessive thoughts are NOT realistic. It might help you to think of your OCD as “the monster” and of obsessive thoughts as “the monster talking”. More you listen to “the monster”, more you strengthen its powers. The best way to beat “the monster” is to ignore it. Only then you start teaching yourself that you do NOT have to engage in any compulsive behaviors in order to feel safe and calm.

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