Insomnia and Stress
Insomnia, difficulty to fall asleep and/or sleeping through is a very common problem in adulthood. With increased stress and responsibilities it seems that many of us have difficulties to shut off our brain and as such sleep disturbance, irritability, fatigue and diminished concentration become a daily struggle.
Interestingly, a recent study found that taking a nap on a slowly swinging / rocking bed helps shorten the time needed to fall asleep. More importantly, rocking seems to also improve the quality of sleep and encouraging a deeper sleep.
Given that we usually rock and cradle our babies to sleep, it is not that surprising that rocking would have the same effect for adults. Thus, taking the time to get on a gently rocking hammock might be indeed a good stress relief and recovery time for your insomniac brain. You can read more about the study on June 21 issue of Current Biology.
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