Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) is defined by a low or absence of sexual desire for sexual activity. This is considered a disorder only if it causes distress for the individual and/or for the relationship. HSDD can be caused by different factors and as such identifying the roots of the problem is essential for the treatment.

Physical or mental illnesses, fatigue, pain, hormone deficiencies, stress, insomnia or inadequate amounts of sleep, pain during intercourse (for women), erection problems, premature or retarded Ejaculation (for men) could be counted among factors that negatively effect sexual desire.

Improving overall quality of life such as learning more adaptive stress management and communication skills, increasing physical activity, improving sleep and diet have shown to be linked with overall mental and physical well-being. Usually, referral to a psychologist for sex and couples therapy is the treatment of choice. Relationship enhancement and marital therapy, improving sexual relationship, and enhancing sexual repertoire have shown to be beneficial in treating HSADD.

If you or your partner are experiencing low sexual desire, talk with each other openly and discuss how you can improve your life style and eventually if you need to see a psychologist or a sex therapist.

If you have more questions, you can ask Dr. Bita at

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