Monday, January 4, 2010

Stress Management Skills, Series #4

To read the beginning of this article, please view the series # 1-3. How to manage stress Be diligent with your routine and self-care behaviors During crisis and stress the first thing that suffers is the loss of our routine such as regular bedtime, eating, walking, and exercising. These aspects of our life get neglected because we switch to acute crisis and emergency mood. It is understandable that when you are in an emergency situation you need to react and not waste any time by doing other things. As such, our body and mind continues to be in crisis mood even in a chronic stress situation. So remind yourself, that you are not in any emergency; your stress is chronic and as such your need for healthy routine such as eating well, going for a walk and exercise is even more crucial. Increase pleasure When overwhelmed and under stress, we forget that there is such a thing as pleasure. We don’t go out and socialize as often as we used to. We often believe that stress management means to reduce stressors. However, sometimes, we cannot change certain situations and we have to accept them as they are and as such increasing pleasure is a good strategy to cope with difficult situations as a means to recharge your batteries. “Men for the sake of getting a living forget to live.” Margaret Fuller Talk to someone It is important to understand that there is no shame in feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Sometimes talking to a friend and/or a professional will help to put thing in perspective, feel normal and understood, which in turn helps us see solutions and strategies that we might have been overlooking. However, do not just rely on your friend or psychologist. The key is to learn and rely on yourself!

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