Friday, April 22, 2011

Dr. Bita, Psychologist, Director

Emotional Focused Therapy (E.F.T.)

"In essence, E.F.T. helps individuals understand their emotional experience(s) so that they can move forward and feel more integrated. The process of Focusing is used so that clients can just be with their internal experience in order to use it for information. For instance, the ability to fully experience sadness helps one to grieve important losses. It can also help someone create boundaries after having been hurt/taken advantage of, etc. The experience of fear, anger and self-criticalness are also often worked with in order to help clients feel happy with life and less stuck, in general.", explains Dr. Rick Parker, a Westmount Psychologist at Clinique Dr. Bita.

To know more about E.F.T. or to work with a Montreal psychologist specializing in E.F.T., you can contact Clinique Dr. Bita at 514- 508-1422 or email

Clinique Dr. Bita

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