Friday, April 22, 2011

Dr. Bita, Psychologist, Director

Emotional Focused Therapy (E.F.T.)

"In essence, E.F.T. helps individuals understand their emotional experience(s) so that they can move forward and feel more integrated. The process of Focusing is used so that clients can just be with their internal experience in order to use it for information. For instance, the ability to fully experience sadness helps one to grieve important losses. It can also help someone create boundaries after having been hurt/taken advantage of, etc. The experience of fear, anger and self-criticalness are also often worked with in order to help clients feel happy with life and less stuck, in general.", explains Dr. Rick Parker, a Westmount Psychologist at Clinique Dr. Bita.

To know more about E.F.T. or to work with a Montreal psychologist specializing in E.F.T., you can contact Clinique Dr. Bita at 514- 508-1422 or email

Clinique Dr. Bita

Friday, April 8, 2011



When choosing a psychologist, first you want to know about their credentials, academic and clinical background, and their expertise in relation to your presenting problem.This information is usually found in their websites, since, luckily, we are living in a world with virtual features and most of professionals do have a website. Once making a selection based on their credential, the next important factor is the relationship with the psychologist once you have started the sessions. Ask yourself: Do I feel comfortable with him/her? Do I feel understood? Do I feel that my psychologist is confident / competent? It is also important to discuss theses concerns with your psychologist and give yourself sufficient time to decide whether or not you are comfortable with him/her, as it is not uncommon for us to have a different impression than our first one when encountering new people in our life.