Sunday, August 8, 2010


In the recent years, the prevalence of anxiety and anxiety disorders has been increasing. This is not surprising given the fast forwarding society and the growing competition among employees and professionals. We are living in an individualistic society, in which you can ONLY depend on yourself and if you are not fast enough you might fall behind and fail to survive.

Living in such environment is anxiety provoking, as you feel that you constantly have to live in future, predicting and preventing potential future problems. It works for many people, as it creates an illusion of control. But it lasts only for a short time, as our lives are changing and with every change we need to foresee other sets of potential problems. The result: We are living to survive! How long does this go on? Forever. Because life means change. Life means problems and facing challenges.

The good news is that it does not need to be this way. With a touch of an artistic talent to balance your life, you would be able to learn when to use your survival instinct and when to enjoy the moment and live in here-and-now. While you plan for the future, you need to accept that you cannot control everything. While it is important to be in control, it is also necessary to relinquish control. Everything is good in moderation. The key word is BALANCE!

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