Monday, February 22, 2010

Montreal Psychologist: Decision Making Series # 3

Decision Making Process: Step-By-Step

Being indecisive is one of the disturbing symptoms of depression and anxiety, which often leaves individuals feeling trapped and stuck in their life. But it does not have to be this way. You can minimize your anxiety of making decisions by following certain strategies as explained below.

1. Define your objectives

This is the first and very important step in the process of decision-making. When we are faced to make a decision, it is important to highlight what is it that we want to achieve or to avoid. If your objectives in the process of decision-making is not clear, you are like a pilot without a destination or plan, not knowing where you are heading.

2. Define your options

What are your options? How many choices do you have? We always a have a choice even if it does not seem like it at first. For instance, a woman with 3 young children is considering leaving her abusive husband. She believes that with 3 children and no job she has no choice than to sacrifice her life and stay with her husband. What she is not realizing is that she has other choices but she chooses the most familiar, convenient and less threatening one: no change! She could for instance decide to leave and go on welfare, or get a part-time job, or ask a family member for help with the children etc. These choices might not be perfect but, nonetheless they exist and it is important to realize that.

3. Cost-Benefit Analysis

Make a list of pros and cons for each option. Do not make this in your head, as we tend to forget. In addition, writing and putting things on paper make it more objective and as such you are more likely to recognize realistic or unrealistic ideas.

4. Choose the best option

Be aware that there are no perfect solutions. In every decision-making you are giving up something for the gain of something else. Thus, if you are afraid that you might lose something or are not willing to give up something you are not being realistic. However, going through step 3 helps you weigh out the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Pick the one that brings you closer to your objectives (step 1). You might even realize that combining options might be another way to optimize your decision.

5. Take action

After going through the first 4 steps, you are ready to put your decision in action. This is the step that means you are wiling to own your decision and ready to face the potential consequences. You have to accept that we do not have control over everything and as such we have to accept certain levels of uncertainty and have confidence that we will deal with them as they come up.

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