Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Depression

Christmas is a time of celebration, giving and receiving; is about family, loving and being loved. However, it seems that Christmas is losing its true meaning and is becoming more and more commercial and more about “fulfilling our duty”: buying gifts, even if it means borrowing money from the bank and paying high interests on the credit cards. The reports show high rates of depression, suicide, anxiety, and stress during the holidays and many people report that they cannot really enjoy the holidays and “get into the spirit of the holidays”. In addition to the financial pressures, a multitude of things, such as loss of a loved one, failures, and loneliness can trigger Christmas-depression. People affected by one or more of these difficulties are more prone to developing depression during the holidays, especially when they cannot share the joyousness of everyone else. So it is not surprising that reaching out feels more awkward and more remote for them. Unfortunately, we have forgotten that we can be happy together without buying expensive gifts. How often do we hear ourselves say “ he does not need really anything so I don’t know what to buy?” Buying is feeling good and making somebody feel good. It is true that alone in Canada yearly $2 billion wasted gifts are made. In a world that there are young children and families that cannot have their very basic needs met; such as having a warm meal on the table, kids who do not have a toy or proper warm clothing, isn’t it questionable to buy something for someone when they don’t even need it? Instead of buying gifts that are not needed, why not get together and donate to the ones in need? Or how about becoming family to the lonely ones? Many people feel more depressed during the holidays just because they are lonely, or because they do not have supportive family. So let’s truly celebrate holidays and let’s give the gift of heart: GIVE LOVE.

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